Building Code Update
Each year MBIE conducts a consultation on the Building Code so that it continues to reflect innovation, current construction practices and modern society needs.
This year the consultations have included a range of proposals that support MBIE’s priorities in the building and construction sector in terms of the construction of quality medium and higher density housing; reducing carbon emissions in the sector; and improving the ability of buildings to withstand the future effects of climate change.
With regard to the building for climate change programme proposals have been made to make it easier to cool and heat buildings. With this in mind MBIE have proposed increasing the number of climate zones in New Zealand from three to six and to increase insulation requirements so that buildings have the right level of insulation for each zone.
In order to achieve standards of insulation that are current in developed countries with similar climates to New Zealand MBIE consider that R values, particularly in external walls, need to be raised. One way to achieve this is to thicken the insultation in walls which for timber would mean moving from 90mm to 140mm timber.
NZTIF has lodged a submission in support of the proposed thicker wall section but we warn that there are cost implications that need to be considered especially at a time when housing affordability is a major national concern. The additional costs do not arise only from use of larger section timbers but also from factors related to transport and delivery, fixings, wider door jambs and window reveals, assembly of frames and a larger footprint for the same floor area of dwelling.
We have also pointed to the need for a reasonable and practical introduction period for any new requirements that recognise time needed to implement any timber production changes and possibly a change to timber grade specifications for wider studs and plates.
1 June 2021